How Routine Dental Checkups Help Your Smile in the Long Run

When you come in for dental exams and we have cleaned your teeth and gum line and removed any hardened plaque, our dentist can look at them for any signs of trouble, such as cavities, loose or broken teeth, damaged fillings, and evaluate your risk rate of certain diseases which might also take into account your family history. We will... read more »

Wisdom Teeth Removal is Important

Are you contemplating having your wisdom teeth removed? If so, good for you! Having your teeth removed is an important decision that could affect your oral health for years to come. That is why understanding why people have them removed can help you with your choice. Our dentists, Dr. Khashayar Khomejany, can help you with removing your wisdom teeth. To... read more »

$100 Toothpaste, Anyone?

How much do you pay for toothpaste? If you’re like the rest of us, chances are you are spending somewhere in the neighborhood of $2.00 to $5.00 on average. But would you spend $100 dollars on a single tube? That’s how much you will pay for a tube of Theodent 300. According to the website, Theodent 300 is packed... read more »

Oral Health Outliers: Hazards in Your Diet

Several aspects of your diet may be putting your teeth at an increased risk of failure. In order to ensure your diet can continue functioning effectively and keep your smile safe, avoid unhealthy habits and products that can easily chew through your tooth enamel or chip and crack teeth. Because of the multitude of ways that your teeth can be... read more »

Achievements in Dentistry: Mouthwash

Are you aware of all the benefits that mouthwash can offer? Although it is most often linked to providing treatments for bad breath, mouthwash can also be used to provide several other cosmetic and oral health benefits. For more information about mouthwash, and to test your knowledge on mouthwash and what it can do for you, we invite you to... read more »

Your Teeth Needs A Healthy Diet Too

Did you know a healthy diet exists for your teeth? Well, it’s true! Having a healthy diet to go hand-in-hand with brushing and flossing will strengthen your teeth and keep them healthy throughout your life. Our dentists, Dr. Sean and Dr. Sepi with Plaza Dental Care in Vallejo, California, are happy to give you tips and advice about a healthy... read more »

Tips for Keeping Your Smile Healthy During Cancer Treatments

Do you want to maintain a top-notch smile and great oral health during your cancer treatments? If so, our dentist, Dr. Khashayar Khomejany, is more than happy to help you. Unfortunately, there can be many side effects from cancer treatments that can affect your teeth and gums. Some of the more common problems include dry mouth, mouth sores, sensitive gums,... read more »

What Is It Like to Have Dentures?

If you aren’t familiar with having dentures, our team is happy to provide insight into how life changes with these dental appliances. Are dentures uncomfortable? Dentures are designed for comfort, but can require some adjustment. At first, they can feel loose, make your gums sore and increase saliva production, until your mouth adjusts and becomes used to having dentures around.... read more »

What Are Root Canals For?

Why do we have root canal treatments? It is often used to stop further damage on a decaying tooth without removing the tooth itself. Instead, the decaying parts are taken out, so you can have the still healthy parts with you.   One of the major reasons for getting a root canal is infection in the tooth’s pulp. The pulp... read more »

Flossing Technique for Success in 2018

New Years Resolutions can be hard and generally grueling-- but they don’t have to be! We have a simple idea for a personal improvement that you can succeed at: floss! Every day. You can do it. We believe in you. To help you get started this year, here are some refreshers of flossing technique. First, floss every day for 2-3... read more »